The person of the President of the
United States Of America,
G. W. Bush has been blessed
with the presence of
His Holyness the XIV Dalai Lama, and Nobel Peace Prize 1989. The personal touch, the conversation face to face is extremely important in relations between people. I dont know the political play of President Bush and the U.S. Congress, but I believe, if H.H. The Dalai Lama agreed to meet President Bush, this close encounter will help some way to the tibetan people, and that is the most important. It is very necessary to understand the
Tibetan people is a totally different than chinese
Han people. Their racial stock, language, writtings, costumes, culture, religion, all is very different.

H.H. The XIV Dalai Lama has stated many times:
He does not claim for a independent Tibet, He wish a true autonomy, for the tibetan people may conserve their language, culture and can practice freely their religion. He says he would be the last Dalai Lama, if tibetan people decide so. He says the Dalai Lama not necessarily must be tibetan, He would be Mongolian, it was a mongol Dalai Lama in the past, and ancient Tibet had not any Dalai Lama.*
Really, Dalai Lama is a mongolian honour title for great religious eminences.
About the meeting between the president G. Bush and His Holyness The XIV Dalai Lama, I have the following thoughts:His Holyness, as a Embodiment of Compassion has blessed the person of the President G. W. Bush with his presence there.The Congress of the U.S.A. must be proud to have a person like H.H. as one of their homaged with the Gold Medal. Not the inverse.I dont know the political play moving the U.S.A. about this aknowledgment, but it is of justice and a right step to benefit the tibetan people. I hope this may be one more important step for awake a world conscience about the tibetan tragedy.I believe, His Holyness do and shall do all things necessary for the well being of his people.Dr. Gnomegang.-
*referencias: La Force Du Bouddhisme, Su Santidad El Dalai Lama y Jean Claude Carriere.