miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Se Me Escapo El Golem !!! (Video De La Semana) - The Golem Is Running Away !!!

This is the minivideoclip of the week I made it using Animoto.The music track is "The Golem Is Running Away!!!", from my first cd. Enjoy it, and please leave some comment.

It is a slightly different version of the clip posted in The Section Two.

Este es el minivideoclip de la semana que he creado usando Animoto. El tema musical es "Se Me Escapo El Golem!!!", perteneciente a mi primer cd. Disfrutenlo, y si les place me dejan sus comentarios.

Hay una version ligeramente diferente del clip colocada en la Seccion Dos.

Puede escuchar la cancion completa en el BOX widget o descargar el cd completo aqui

Dr. Gnomegang.-

Dr. Gnomegang.-

2 comentarios:

  1. Amigo, The video is quite good - but too short :-)


  2. That's right, it is too short. This is the version for free. It is possible I get the payable version coming soon. With neither lenght nor picture or music limitations until 10Mbs. But I will announce some days before when I get it. I'm glad to know you like it.

    Keep Watching
